Terms & Conditions

Experience Vouchers

All our Experience Vouchers are non-refundable and non-exchangeable

Vouchers are valid for 12 months and you must visit and complete your experience within 12 months from purchase.

If you need to reschedule a date this can be done only once, provided 2 weeks’ notice is given in writing.

No shows and cancellations with less than 2 weeks’ notice will be charged at the full ticket value.

Expired vouchers have no monetary value and cannot be refunded or used to redeem any other three wrens products.

Lost Vouchers – All vouchers are LIVE and therefore if they are lost we will not be able to replace them for you, please look after them and keep them in a safe place. Refunds cannot be given for vouchers purchased and subsequently lost.

Presenting your vouchers: If you have booked an event on the basis you have a voucher, you MUST present this voucher on the day of the event or you will need to provide an alternative payment method to gain entry.